Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

Treat this program as your most cherished goldmine because that is exactly what it is. Even though, the purpose of this unique program is to get you a chiseled plate of pectoral muscles, the program will end up completely transforming your life into multiple degrees of awesomeness. 

You will get rid of man boobs also known as gynecomastia by implementing the techniques outlined in this program. No doubt about that. You will also end up with astronomical self-discipline.


In this program, you are never left with a vague idea of what is expected. We tell you what to do, when to do it, how to do it and ABOVE ALL ELSE, how to make yourself do it!

I have sampled dozens of similar programs. Every single one of them has a common Achilles heel _ too much information.


Excess information will only waste your time. Wrong or invalid information can actually harm you. This program is free of both defects.

I have included an entire section in this book called “useless information.” The purpose of including it is to make sure that you are equipped with the capacity to filter out such information and stick with the essentials.  

Besides my military background, I have got three fitness degrees from the best institutions in the country. I do not tell you this to boast; but rather to emphasize the validity of my credentials. 

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

Contemplate the confidence of Iskra Lawrence? Isn’t she the quintessential definition of conceit?

Do you think Iskra Lawrence can tell the difference between a leptide and a peptide? Do you think she can distinguish between subcutaneous fat and visceral fat? Do you think she can list the different characteristics of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein)?


The point is, you do not need all these useless information, in order to develop a sculpted chest.

Do you doubt this? Let me guess! You are probably thinking, “but Iskra Lawrence is a world-class fitness model with a huge bank account.” She can afford to hire a personal trainer, personal lifestyle coach and personal nutritionist. 

Therefore she does not need to possess the information herself. Instead, she can simply purchase the services of experts, who have the know-how.

Look at the multi-billionaire media mogul _ Oprah Winfrey, definitely one of the richest women in the world. Forbes magazine has occasionally named her the most powerful woman in the world, even more powerful than Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton or Cleopatra.


Oprah can afford an entire team of personal trainers, personal nutritionists, personal chefs, personal … YOU NAME IT! She can afford it.

Yet that woman has never been able to permanently keep off the fat. The best shape-wear in the world cannot hide the glaring truth _ Oprah Winfrey is FAT! She is among the ever-growing class of overweight Americans. 

Oprah Winfrey is not fat, due to lack of willpower. This woman didn’t rise from poverty and discrimination to become one of the richest women in world without an incredible amount of iron-clad self-discipline.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

I can’t go to the beach. I can’t go to the pool. I can’t leave the lights on when I take off my shirt in front of my girl friend and we have been together for 2years. Of course she has seen me naked, but it’s still awkward undressing in front of her.

My wardrobe is filled with special clothes. I took a 6-weeks course learning how to dress just the right way to masque the breasts protruding off my chest.


I go to extreme lengths to make sure my clothing does not betray my body issues. This is my lot in life.

I can't go on vacation and just relax. Last year, I spent 2-weeks in a Miami 5-star Hotel with a top of the line swimming pool.


From my balcony, I see the clear blue pool glistening in the sun. The leaves of the palm trees rustled in the wind. Sweet, plump chicks in bikinis went about their day; some walking, others swimming and yet other just sun-bathing.

Most of the time, I just sat there on my balcony, watching.

To tell you the truth, I did occasionally venture down to the pool. Of course, I always had my shirt and shorts on.


The really sad part is being obviously odd. Every other guy was going about bare-chested. It was summer and it was hot.

Of course I wish to be like everyone else. I wish I could take off my shirt too. I have been looking for a remedy to my problem to no avail.


What really makes me angry is how nothing works. Creams and endless cardio hasn’t brought me any luck.

I decided to start doing my own thinking; so, I worked harder in the gym. Bigger weights, more resistance training and more cardio. It still didn't work.


I went on a clean eating mission to cut down my body fat. Did that make a difference? No.

When I look in the mirror all I see are my man boobs. It affects every aspect of my life.


Yeah, that includes my relationships. You remember Anastasia…that girl friend I told you about. She finally left me.

I really want these boobs gone. They are ruining my life.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

Back in my college days, you have no clue just how embarrassing it is…hiding your shame from the other guys in the locker room.

And I was stuck in school with some pretty unpleasant guys. You couldn’t count on these guys to pretend that nothing was the matter.


They teased and laughed at me right in my face.

It was of little help that I had to wear baggy Ts and squeeze myself into restrictive, uncomfortable compression vests to disguise your man boobs.


You know how tight money is for college kids. It was no different for me; yet, I had to spend what, for me, amounted to a small fortune on creams and magic pills that got me no results.

I’m sick of seeing YouTube warriors and online health “gurus” with no track record of helping guys with this problem throwing out advice that's just plain wrong.


Sure, some of these “experts” have it half-right, but half-right will not get you a chiseled chest. 

Only the implementation of right knowledge will transform your flabby chest into a shredded platform of muscles.


Let’s start from the obvious! Your hormones are out of balance.

ESTROGEN, the female hormone that is turning men into women


But the solution they’ve conjured up is all wrong and I’ll reveal to you exactly why in a moment.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

Here’s the worst part. Every time you follow a plan that doesn’t work, you’re a day further away from being free from your man breasts.

Never underestimate the debilitating power of frustration. I’ve seen what it can do to a guy’s confidence and self-esteem.


Look, I know how important it is for you to find a way to fix your man boob problem. That’s why I've compiled this fast-paced and easy-to-follow program.

Keep reading and I’ll show you the fastest way to end the embarrassment of man breasts and swap your bitch chest for chiseled Pecs.


I’ve stripped away all those girly aerobics which are hardly any different from yoga.

I’ll also reveal the No.1 vegetable you must AVOID, if you want to permanently eliminate what’s causing your man boobs.


Discipline Your Mind!

And this Could Be You!

Babe at Hand, Striding on Vacation

Don’t remain stuck with the frustration you may have gotten from using snake-oil creams which do not work.


My techniques are backed by the testimonials of dozens of guys who have transformed their chests into pectoral plates of hard muscle. I have more testimonials coming in every week.

And maybe you too will be vouching for these techniques once you see the results. If you’ve spent any time researching gynecomastia, you know how confusing it can be.


I want to give you the real story.

That’s why today, you’ll finally discover a new, cutting-edge technique to tackle your man boob problem.


One of my techniques has been demonstrated on Dr Weinstein’s TV Channel. These techniques come highly accredited. It has helped scores of guys just like you, get rid of their chick tits.

I want to restore your hope you can deal with this once and for all. But before we go any further, let me tell you what I stand for…

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

I have zero tolerance for health and nutrition BS. It’s my mission to call out what doesn’t work and investigate what does, so, I can pass this onto you.

There is nothing worse than sleek, snake oil sales gurus taking advantage of people suffering from actual health conditions. These scammers need to be shipped off to Guantanamo Bay and locked up for good.


The techniques mapped out in this program are like fitness dynamite. They have relieved lots of guys who found themselves for years stuck in a rut, feeling frustrated with no hope in sight.

Allow me to re-assure you that you are not on your own.


At no point are you ever again, going to feel isolated. Man boobs is a huge and growing problem in America. It affects more guys than you think.

You are truly not alone.


You have to understand that gynecomastia is caused by an increase in glandular breast tissue in men and

This revelation is not some new scientific breakthrough. You do not need to have the IQ of Albert Einstein to understand it.


Just ask yourself; how come ‘man boobs’ are extremely prevalent in senior citizens with the 50 to 80years age range.

As of age 50, your testosterone levels drop significantly. This drop in testosterone corresponds with an increase in estrogen levels.


It should therefore come as little surprise that according to Mayo Clinic; slightly more than 30% of senior citizens have ‘man boobs.’

This problem is only going to get worse. I guarantee you that it will escalate into epic proportions as the cultural shifts keep on insisting that men behave like wimps.


I’m sorry to be the one to bring you this bad news, but overweight kills your testosterone and further exacerbates your bitch-tits problem.

To solve this problem, we must first tear down poisonous myths that have been holding you back.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest



Do Not fall for these myths. They are not part of the solution. They are part of the problem. They won’t sculpt your flabby chest; instead, they will only exacerbate the situation.

Myth #1


This is perhaps the most damaging myth.


At any given moment the regulatory axis of the hypothalamus and pituitary glands are designed to maintain your body in a hormonal balance.

Longer workouts can scramble this mechanism and causes fluctuations in your hormonal balance.


A combination of excessively long workouts and inadequate rest always results in fatigue. The strain and stress will cause your body to release copious amounts of the ‘stress hormone’ cortisol.

Cortisol does not simply slow down, but actually stops testosterone production.


This is the zenith of bad news.

Theirs is a reason, why prolonged stress leads to depression. And intense depression leads to suicidal thoughts.


That’s why you should never spend too many hours in the gym, especially at the expense of adequate rest.

YOU SHALL PAY AN EXCRUCIATINGLY HIGH PRICE, if you neglect sleep and recovery.


Myth #2


The first thing every guy with bitch tits has done to lose weight in the hope that losing weight will get rid of the moobs.


I did it too. Yeah! Like I have already said, there was a time, during which, I did not know any better.

Losing weight will not make your chubby chest go away.


We all know some really chubby guys, who don't have ‘man breasts’. Have you ever wondered why?

Cutting body fat can make a difference and will make your chest look better….BUT IT NEVER GETS RID OF THE MOOBS.


In fact, stressing your body by starving it could be doing the opposite. Starvation might signal to your genes that there is a famine. Your genes will react by clinging to every last cell of fat.

Once more, you are starring at some astronomically bad news.


While weight lose will not necessarily get rid of ‘man boobs’, fat gain due to the activation of your fat-storing genes will definitely exacerbate your condition.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

Myth #3


That’s the kind of statement to expect from the mouth of a surgeon trying to sell you his over-priced services.


The remedy for gynecomastia ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT HAVE TO INVOLVE SURGERY. Every single ‘man boobs’ condition can be solved without surgery.

But it’s no surprise why the medical profession wants you to think surgery is the answer…MONEY!


MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! With medics, it is all about that cheddar.

And you certainly don’t need the junk in all those creams and transdermal body lotions.


In pretty much every case of man breasts, the problem is a hormonal imbalance. Fire up your testosterones and your moobs will disappear.

The quickest and most effective natural way to accomplish this is with my proprietary techniques.

Many people only resort to my program after trying other methods. By the time they show up here, they are already feeling frustrated and powerless due to past failures.

Let me eliminate all doubt! It is well within your power to completely get rid of man boobs and chisel a ripped pectoral cage.


There are only two possible reasons, why everything you have tried thus far has failed.

You have either been implementing something which does not work or you may have stumbled upon the right techniques but failed to implement them.


The latter is something you really have to be weary about. The right techniques won’t implement themselves.

You have to implement them. And frankly, here is where most guys fail. They simply lack the self-discipline to follow-through.


Fear not! We have you covered. The first part of the program consists of guiding you step-by-step into a state of iron-clad self-discipline.

Of course, if you don’t correct hormonal imbalance, the problem WILL get worse; and if you don’t develop the self-discipline to implement the techniques you won’t be able to correct your hormonal imbalance.


On the surface, it appears to be the classic case of a catch-22, but it really isn’t.

What we’re looking for here is getting your body into a state of what I call, Optimal Hormonal Equilibrium - or O.H.E. for short.


No other program aims at OHE (Optimal Hormonal Equilibrium). Instead they laser focus on a single part of the condition.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest


I promised you earlier I’d reveal what you need to end the pain of worrying about your flabby chest. Here we go...

Your body’s natural hormone production process follows a cycle. Testosterone production rises through adolescence and picks at age 21.


Thereafter it begins to slowly decline at a 1% rate every year. What you need to remember, is that, it works in CYCLES.

There are THREE actions your body needs to experience to maintain you hormones at optimal levels. These are called the



Any attempt to explain to a man, why estrogen-enhancing foods are bad for his health, is tantamount to insulting his intelligence.

I truly do not need to state the obvious. You must eliminate the estrogen-enhancing foods from your diet.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

Estrogen-rich foods include: flax seeds, sesame seeds, peaches, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, dates, dried prunes, garlic and red wine.

The very WORST OFFENDER, who merits his own separate and unique category, is SOY BEANS.



Completely stop eating soy. Soy contains isoflavones, a class of phyto-estrogens which are reported to have estrogen-like effects on the body.

I know! I know! Soy seems to be EVERYWHERE.


It is not a CONSPIRACY THEORY. Food companies use soy beans as an additive for a wide range of food products. Nestle and Kraft Foods are among the biggest corporate offenders.

Greedy food manufacturers stuff soy into so many foods to bulk them out. Their only concern is the bottom-line. This makes it a minefield when you’re trying to break away from foods loaded with estrogen.



I provide you with an extensive list of what to shop for and where.

We are going to delve straight into the second requirement to get rid of ‘man boobs



No one escapes his environment. I can’t escape my environment and NEITHER CAN YOU.

Listen to rhythmic sound of that refrigerator humming in the background. The Freon in your refrigerator is an aerosol propellant known as chlorodifluoromethane.


It is highly toxic in large quantities. Luckily for you, only minuscule amounts escape from the valves of your fridge over time; so the toxic effect is minimal, yet it is present.

Next time you pull the laundry out of the washing machine; don’t be so eager to inhale that refreshing odor of your favorite detergent.


Proctor & Gamble has a fortune selling people these detergents. They have also been doing a more formidable job than MONSANTO suppressing the fact that their detergents contain high concentrations of acetaldehyde and acetone.

These are carcinogenic chemicals banned in European countries such as Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.


But in America, if you have the money, you can literally get away with murder.

You inhale the vapour of standard home chemicals everyday and they are wrecking havoc on your hormonal balance.


One of these is BPA - a chemical found in canned food and water bottles. Exposure to BPA can directly cause gynecomastia just like HIV causes AIDS.

Back in 2007, a study conducted by MIT professor Sven Anderson found that the presence of 2mg of BPA in the air increases your chances of developing gynecomastia by 16%.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest

Every day, you come into contact with these pernicious chemicals, which have become the mainstay of modern city life. It's no wonder the testosterone levels in this country have been steadily decreasing since the 1980s.


What is going on is an UNMITIGATED SHAME! Only you can decide how far you want to go to remove these chemicals from your daily life.



The KEY PART of getting rid of man boobs consist of boosting your T-levels.

You’ve got to get to T-levels back up baby; until, testosterone are chugging through your veins like water spurting out of a fireman’s hose.


Your testosterone levels peak at age 21 and begin to drop slightly over the years.

That's a HUMONGOUS problem. Especially, if the drop in T-levels coincides with a rise in estrogen levels.


You can’t cut all estrogen from your body. You wouldn’t want to as a small amount of estrogen is necessary for bone health and body function.

The problem is not really high estrogen levels per say. What matters is the level of estrogen relative to your testosterone levels.


If you have low estrogen but your testosterone level is also low in relation to it, you’ll still struggle to shift your chick tits. That’s why a strategy to boost T-levels must also simultaneously work to reduce estrogen levels.

There’s a secondary danger.

It's easy for your body to get stuck in a loop.


When your T-levels are high, there are many health benefits: higher sex drive, leaner muscle, clearer thinking and improved heart function. But low T produces the accumulation of fat and a sense of lethargy.

One nefarious danger of low T-levels is body fat gain. The gain in fat triggers the pituitary gland to secrete estrogen. The estrogen further stimulates your body to conserve fat in a self-reinforcing cycle.

Unlock Your Chiseled Chest
Unlock Your Chiseled Chest


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